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meet our people

Eunjin Baek

Network team leader, Seoul

Eujin Baeck picture

Eunjin Baek joined MangoBoost as a co-founder and is currently leading the Network team to maximize server efficiency and performance with high-speed networks. She and her team collaborate with various global leading companies to deliver specialized solutions for networks.

Eujin Baeck picture

Along the way, you'll have the opportunity to deepen your expertise by experiencing how your work is translated into real products and interacting directly with customers.

Why did you decide to join MangoBoost?

I co-founded MangoBoost with my advisor, Prof. Jangwoo Kim, colleagues, and senior FPGA/SoC experts in the industry. We were confident when we started because we were already the leading group in this field of research and had prototypes of key technologies. Also, everyone was so passionate that I was motivated to grow with them and create high-end DPUs. Now we have a much richer set of solutions with a lot more domain experts.

What are the opportunities for career growth at MangoBoost?

All members of MangoBoost participate in the DPU development process. Along the way, you'll have the opportunity to deepen your expertise by experiencing how your work is translated into real products and interacting directly with customers. At MangoBoost, you will also have the opportunity to learn broader perspectives from experts in other fields. You will have in-depth discussions with outstanding experts in each field, including system software, architecture, and SoC.

What do you enjoy most about your current work?

There are many points, but above all, I really enjoy improving our end-to-end solutions we created from scratch by collaborating with various people. We receive customer feedback directly and reflect it to our solution. As we consider various aspects, I feel that my expertise becomes deeper and broader than before. I am especially grateful to be able to discuss every moment with such talented and passionate MangoBoost members.